Hi Ladies,
After much consideration, we've decided to end the way the Welcomistas currently functions.
With the way the comments on SITS now allow for nested replies, Kat, Fran and I have been welcoming newbies quickly and easily.
Having said that, we of course, would love and appreciate any commenting you continue to do on behalf of SITS. We'd also love to see you in the blog frog community- if any of you have an interest in being a community lead over there- we switch it up each month.
SITS huge growth over the past year (we are over 7,000 strong!) is largely impart to your effort, so THANK YOU.
I'd especially like to thank Jen, who really kept things moving.
I'll be taking this site down shortly, of course, you can email me with any questions- sitsgirls@gmail.com
Harga Pasir Silika 1 Kg 2025
2 months ago