I wonder how many creative titles can come up with to tell you there are newbies?
And, how many ways can I say thank you for taking time to make SITS a success?
Seriously, you ladies are amazing.
I have been super busy with work, so my clicking your ads slowed the past few days, but I am back on it this week, Em has been made an administrator and will be getting our blog roll up.. Thank you!!!!
So, here you go:
Ponderosa Jr.
2 Sets of Twins
Confetti Chronicles
Knitten' Peace
Truth is Better Than Fiction
Life with Liane
Miss Goodie 2 Shoes
Kaylyn..You Are My Sunshine
Love My 2 Dogs
More to come in a few days.
Thanks girls~
Harga Pasir Silika 1 Kg 2025
2 months ago
i am sooooo behind on all of my blog hopping! we have been sick here AND i have been so busy trying to organize my favorite things swap...BUT i am back now and off to welcome some new SITStas!!
I got them all! Great bunch of newbies:0)
got em all !! Lots of new ones!!
Ey Ey Captain!!
My goal is to have it up and running by Sunday (before the Oscars!!)
Wish me luck, and quiet kiddos - Em
The. Planets. Aligned.
Bloggroll is up and, well, rolling.
PLEASE let me know if you are missing from the list. I double checked and counted, but I'm so not mathematically inclined.
Now go click some ads!! Mama needs a laptop.
WOW lots of newbies.. and some of you have ALREADY gotten all of them! We've been sick too and I have a new 8 week old in my care 3 days a week.. so I'm behind too. Plan to spend today catching up, clicking AND LAUNCHING THE CLICK FEST AND IT'S BUTTON! Stop by and grab it girlies. And thanks to our fellow Welcomista Tamara (a.k.a. Cheapskate Mom, I live therefore I consume, delicioius deciet).. AND thanks EM for all the support and work. My SITSas rock!
Em, you rock. Thanks SO much for getting theat blog roll up!
Got them all! What a fun bunch of ladies. I met a couple really cool new SITStas and even got some good decor tips.:)
No problamo T - hope your Birthday was a blast. Em
Did done all my duties! hehehehehe duties, I just love that word. hehehehehehe
I did my duties too. lol
checked and done!! great new blogs!!
and woo-hoo lovin the blog roll!! now I am going ot be up late. trying to find wenda and check out all the welcomistas on the blog roll
Done, done and done :)
Hi Gals...
Trying to catch up and nearly there. I get on these blogs and spend a lot of time... Too much fun!!!!
Thanks Tiff and Heather for spacing these out! I am having so much fun saying hello to everyone! And I am so glad that my other Welcomistas are saying more than hi thanks for comign to SITS. Maybe I am silly, but I really took this to be an important task. I know that when I first started, I was just so sad that I wanted to reach out to people but it didn't seem to happen. This is a great way to warm people up to the site. And we all know where that gets us! If it weren't for SITS, I would probably have 50% less followers! I'm glad to see that everyone is making an effort to really get to read up on the newbies!
Did my dutie! Except that I couldn't get the posts to load n Ponderosa Jr. or Knittin' Peace. I'll try those again later...maybe it's a blogger thing.
Thanks Em for getting the blogroll rollin'!!
whew! Got them all. :)
heading off to comment on everyone right now...hope you all had a lovely weekend!
No problem Brandy!!
Welcoming done!
I was out of town for the weekend, so I'm behind - but I'll have these all done by tonight. Love the blogroll!
Oh no - so behind. I somehow missed this message this weekend - I'll get on it as soon as I can.
Ok - I've got most of them - I'm having wierd word verification issues on 3, but all the others are done.
I just wanted to let you know I really love blog crusing and welcoming our new friends!
Don't think I am slacking on my Welcomista duties..I will be out of town until March 4th. I plan to pop in on my blog from time to time but I wont have time to do much else. I promise to be all over our welcome wagon when I return from Vegas!
Done - except for the last two where the word verification wouldn't load. I'll try again later.
Whoo-hoo! One new set down, one to go! I'm on it!
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