...to these new SITStas. Hi Ladies, I'll be helping out Tiffany by posting the new blogs for the next 4 weekends. If there is a problem with a link or any other issues, please send me an email: carmasez (at) bellsouth (dot) net
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
A Thrifty Home
All Because Two People Fell in Love
The Mahogony Way
Thoughtfully Blended Hearts
After 'I Do'
Otherhood LLC
The Woobie Shop
Charmingly Cheap
The Redhead Riter
My Life at Pansy Cottage Garden
It's a July Thing
Aubut Life
Feeding a Family of Five for Fifty
The Silver Whining
The Young and the Restless
Heart Prints
Sue's News Views 'n Muse
Organizing Solutions for Life
Thanks-- and I'll try to keep it to 20 blogs per post.
Harga Pasir Silika 1 Kg 2025
2 months ago
Hi ladies. I was out of town so I've been a bit of a blog slacker, but I'm back in action now. I promise to get back on the welcome wagon.
This group is done!
Thanks Carma!
Girls- we have TONS of newbies (40 just this past week!!!!).
Nice to see some new faces.....off to go welcome away...have a great week all...
Ten down, ten more to go! Glad I'm on the welcome wagon, now!
I have begun my welcoming. it will take me a while but I will get there.
First time welcoming. Managed to get some done while nursing my son...all about the multi-tasking :)
Hi Ladies..
I have been absent for awhile... Life just seems to get in the way.. Anyway I am here and will try and catch up.... Did I hear you say we had 40 new members this week"!"! Oh MY!! isn'r that great.
I just finished welcoming these! It's great to see some new faces!
First 15 down, 5 to go...I should be able to welcome these tomorrow.
Have a lovely evening all!
finally caught up on the past two weeks. glad to be joining this great group of welcomenistas!
Hello Ladies,
I am so glad to be part of the welcome wagon. Off to start welcoming.
Hi ladies!
Glad I can be part of the team...looks like we have a great group of welcomistas here!
Now..I'm off to greet some newbies!
Hi girls! Thanks for having me!
Off to roll out the welcome mat...
I am new to the welcome wagon! Nice to meet you all. I am going to start checking out these ladies!
Wow there are some good ones out there!
All done. :o)
I have been making progress to say hello, thank you!!
Not sure how quick we are supposed to get through these ... but I finally finished them tonight. Sorry I've been gone a lot the last couple days.
Hiya, Darlings!
Look at the SITStahood grow like this! I love it!
I am so sorry I am a bit late, but I am now on my way to give these gals a warm welcome.
Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!
Got them all. I'm going to hit the previous ones I missed tonight.
I am still working on my new site, but my new blog is up. www.blissfulfamilies.com/blog
If you have time, could you check it out and give me some feedback and suggestions. It doesn't feel done to me yet! :)
Feeding 5 for fifty, whew...I need her tips! Yay for new SITSta's.
Jamie :)
p.s. do you wonderful ladies mind switching my bloggy blog link in the sidebar to http://aforestfrolic.typepad.com
Thanks a bunch & hope you all are well!
Done! A lot of great bloggers!
Finishing the last set of 5 now!
Is it Friday yet???
on my way to say hello now...i am so behind...gonna say hey to the previous group too!!
I was away from a "high speed" internet connection while on vacation. Do you have any idea the pain involved in dial up....I am nearly bald from pulling my hair. I've learned the art of meditation, but I am very certain that doesn't apply to those who deal with dial up. :D
Looking forward to relinquishing my "welcoming" duties.
Have a great day!!!
Thanks Tiffany for the invite! I will help where ever needed :)
Hi ladies glad to be joining you!
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