Sorry that I am getting these up a bit late! We had a really long week last week, so our weekend was filled with some much needed family time. Yesterday I sent my oldest son off to his first day of 11th grade. I am still trying to figure out how he grew up so fast! :0(
We have a lot of newbies again and I am thrilled to be able to give them a great big SITS welcome! Please join me!
Head Over Heels...
Inside My Head
I Heart My Chaotic Life
~Sara's Lounge~
Emerging ERA
Random Stuff of SAM
Her Saccharine
The Kucera Family Blog
Me, the Man & the Baby
Steph in the City
Mommy 2 Two Girls
Mama of 3 Munchkins
A NYC Housewife-in-Training
30 Before 30
My Perception of Life
Beautiful Brown Babies
Love the Life that you Live
Sew Not My Day
Have a great week ladies!
:0) Sandy
Harga Pasir Silika 1 Kg 2025
2 months ago
Done! Congrats on having an "almost high school graduate" :D I get stressed thinking my "little one" has only 5 years to go before college.
I'm done too! What a nice group of ladies.
Today is the first day of my $15.00 Amazon g.c. giveaway, come on over.
Have a great week!
My son also starts 11th grade, coming up on the 8th. Where the crap did the time go?
I've been without a computer for the past week with another week to wait for it to be repaired so I'll be slightly incognito til then. I'm going to work on this list though. {Writing this at the library.}
I forgot to comment that I was done with these yesterday.
I have major catch up w/all our new Sitstas. Thank you.
Just finished this list from the library due to technical difficulties with home PC. :o(
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