I am going to interupt our normal schedule for a little update.
First, I let me introduce myself to those of you who don't know me. I am Jen from Buried with Children and I help Tiffany keep this blog going. There are a handful of us that work on posting the lists over here. Now, I want to say hello to all of our new Welcomistas. We are so glad to have you!
This blog is used to post a weekly list of all the new people that are joining SITS. As Welcomistas, we go around to theses new people and 'welcome' them to SITS and by doing this spread a little comment love around. This is a very important job because it gets more and more people to not only join SITS but to comment on roll call and then comment on other SITSta's blogs. This is what SITS is all about.
So we have a little problem, we are really far behind is welcoming people to SITS. If you think about it this is a good problem to have. So for this month, we are going to try and play catch up.
This is what is going to happen. I will take over posting the lists this month but each week, I am going to post a larger list and we are going to split it in half.
What I mean is this, I am going to post a list of 50 new SITStas (the normal is 20 or 25) and then if your last name is in the first half (A-M) of the alphabet, then you will comment/welcome the first 25 and if your name is in the last half (N-Z) then you will comment/welcome on the last 25.
The plan is by doing this for a month, we will be more current with our welcomings.
So that's the deal. In the previous post, there is a list of 20 newbies that need a welcome visit and I am going to list 20 more at the end of this post. Let's say that if you are an A-M last name then take the first list and then the N-Z names will take this one. And by all means, if you want feel free to visit all the blogs listed.
Oh and don't for get to leave a comment here when you are done with the lists or when you start just so that we will know who is out there helping with this. This really is what SITS is all about, sharing comment love, and I know that our efforts mean a lot to Tiffany and Heather.
Ladybugs, Butterflies and Boxing
La Mode
Random Blogness by SlightlyInsaneStacy
let's get fit
The Gaudia: Writing is Joy
Someday I'll Learn
Momma Maven In The Making!
Sweet and Savory
Look what I found Sis
Beauty Style Addict
Matthew 5:6 (for women)
Acting Balanced
Frugality and Crunchiness with Christy
Mommy Message
Adventures in the Underground
Not Your Average Teen
Ok, I think that is it for this week. If you have a question or something doesn't make sense, leave it in the comment section or feel free to email me. After this month of catch up, we will return to one smaller list a week.
Happy Commenting and Thank you.
Harga Pasir Silika 1 Kg 2025
2 months ago