Sorry for the delay! Quick note on SITS badges - 11 of these 50 bloggers do not have a SITS badge (22%)!! Do we want to:
1.) Not visit them (maybe they no longer wish to participate and thus removed their badges?)
2.) Visit them and when we comment ask them to add a badge?
3.) Send an email asking to add a badge.
But while I'm complaining about badgeless blogs, I should note that I'm not a big badge fan and was hesitant myself in adding a SITS badge because I don't post any badges of any kind on my blog. But I did add the badge - but at the bottom of the page. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.
**This week's list brings us up to April 7th.
Have a great week, Erin
{A - M}
Knit Together (no badge)
Paigerelli's Place
Coupon Momma's
Grow Some Stones Laddie
62 Cards (no badge)
Handprint and Footprint Art
Peachy Green (no badge)
Write Out Loud
Hello Sneakers, Goodbye Heels
Green Mom Wannabe
Head in the clouds
This lovely life
Just another manic momday
Nu Flaiir
Bittersweet Bigarades Ramblings
A mama stork knows
The Flirty Lasso (no badge)
Hitha on the go (no badge)
Endo and the single girl
Little Bit Quirky
Katie's Dailies
Little Gray Fox (no badge)
Esbe Chic
Guessing all the way
The Gift Detective (no badge)
{N - Z}
Momma's Pixie Dreams
Managing Mommyhood
Life With the Ardies
A bit of happy
Young, fabulous, and hungry
all of the above
Little family in the big woods
adventures in vineyardland (no badge)
Embrace fire (no badge)
Single mom in the south
I thought I loved you then
Beauty Woo Me
My Marriage Has Autism
The Nerdy Diva (no badge)
The Kennison Family
Capability: Mom
Home Shabby Home
Slightly Sarcastic
Key Lime Designs (no badge)
Not a sparrow falls
Holm Sweet Home
Musings of a Passionate Mind
Dear Sydney
Love Sick Events
In it to twin it
Harga Pasir Silika 1 Kg 2025
2 months ago
Hmmm...I actually moved all my badges to their own separate page because I was getting way too cluttered- I still am cluttered, but I'm working on it.
Per Tiffany and Heather, the rule is that to be a part of SITS you have to have the button/badge somewhere on your site.
So if it is not there, they do not get any love from SITS.
That being said, if you want to visit these blogs go right ahead. :)
done with the n-z list.
Maybe if someone emailed the sites with no badges they might add them.
Finished with the first list.
Cheers :-)
- CoconutPalmDesigns
The point of SITS is to spread comment love to fellow SITStas. If you do not have a badge on your blog, no one will know that you are a SITSta.
Oh happy day! I was thrilled to find out after a long (and craptastic) break, I could get back in here!
I'm ready to jump back in to my duties! I will start the list over the weekend!
Thanks for keeping this Welcomista around!
I like Sandy's point. I think sending an email stating something like that would be good.
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