Wow, look at all the people back in the action of welcoming our new SITStas. That is awesome! This really is a great things that we are doing.
What I am going to do for this week and next is that I am going to post a HUGE list of newbies and then leave it up for two weeks. I am doing this because of the holidays. It is such a busy time and I know that people are not doing a lot of blogging right now. I figure this way people will have extra time to get around to the newbies and even get to some of the lists that they missed.
So with out further ado. Here is the list.
DimpleArts Photography
youth parliment
My Army of Five
Vintage Creations
Snide Commentary
Enjoying Motherhood No Matter What it Brings
Robin's Nest of Spoiled Eggs
Observation of a Token Yankee
Healthy Deals N' Steals
The Stories of A to Z
Bring on the Lloyds
Mommy Wild
King Max
Better Off With Cats
Pretty Shiny Sparkly
My Life As A Wife Of A Over The Road Truck Driver
The Graceful Stitch
Patience Under Fire
My life... in words
A diary of lovely
The Family Awaits
Wristie Love
Just Audrey
Sew Chic and Unique
Isabella & Max Rooms
Live the Adventure
2 Toddlers and Me
Email from the Embassy
Spots on My Apples
Kelly at Home
Just another perfect day
Norma Lee Good
Chris's Corner
Adventures in Life
Small Inspirations
Feathering My Nest
Domestic Success
The Juicy Courtship
Balance, Joy and Delicias
Sneaker Teacher
Hear Mum Roar
Hope Springs Eternal
Tales from a Panama-mama
Anna's Adornments
After the Alter
Whew, now that is a list! If you can't get to them all, hop around and if the holidays are just too busy for you, get them later.
I wish everyone a blessed holiday and a happy new year!
Harga Pasir Silika 1 Kg 2025
2 months ago
gonna hop on the elliptical and then hop on this list! Have a wonderful holiday, too! :-)
Wow what a list..awesome! I will work on this through out the day today :)
First 20 are done! I'll be back to do another set of 20 later!
Done ! wow-za!
holy moly! Time to get back to work on this welcome wagon!
going to whittle this down over the next few days! are inspiring!! I'm working on the list and hope to be done in the next day or two:)
Don't give up on me yet!
:::pant pant pant:::
all done!
except for the last blog, which is giving me an error message when I click on it.
You weren't kidding, this is a long list. Well I'm started and I will keep working on it all week.
Have a good one.
I'm slowly working on them.... :D
Thank you so much for the list up for two weeks. This is a busy time of year at work too.
Happy New Year!
I have spread my welcomes around!
Holy cow - I'm FINALLY done! I'm in the middle of potty training my youngest and so this took me several days to get through. But I'm done! Wahoo! Happy New Year's everyone!
Hi ladies, I just wanted to say that I would like to be a welcomista still. I have a brand new baby so I might be a little flakey for awhile, but I promise to do my best (and do better than I have lately).
Happy New Year.
Made it through the first 20, will be back for more. Hopefully I can get to all before the new list goes up tomorrow.
My resolution to pair down my following list has already fallen to the wayside - so many great blogs, so little time!!!
excuse me - "pare down"
sigh. I miss my brian.
Finally finished! Just in time for a new batch!
I made it through this list over the weekend. Can't remember if I said that or not.
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