Another great list. Let's go and welcome. And I am a bit concerned about the fact that there are 50 people following this blog and there are only about 10 people welcoming the newbies. Have people forgotten? Should we ask for new people to join us? I would just like these new ladies to get as much love as possible. Thought?
A Mom's Fresh Start
Coffee, God and Me
In Through The Out Door
The Real Me
More Than A Housewife
Vintage Reinvented
I Need Pretty Things
Mad Hatter Mom
All Things Thrifty
Julie's Journal
Day 2 Day
Gonna Want Seconds
Britain in a foreign PaLATE
My Alabaster Jar
Life in our part of the Woods
The Mom O Blog
Memories in Motion by Chrisy
The Encore Bride
Puget Sound Prudence
Harga Pasir Silika 1 Kg 2025
2 months ago
I'm off to comment. I would say remove those who have not commented over the past month and add some new ladies. It is a wonderful way to meet new bloggers and sometimes gain a new follower or two and should be open to those who really want to participate. Just my honest opinion there....
I agree with Carma.
p.s. "The Real Me" seems to have a comment glitch. I click on "leave a comment" but it doesn't give me anywhere to leave a comment.
p.s. done!
Thanks for the list.... I will be "Welcoming" some new SITSers tonight and tomorrow!
Regarding the non participating welcomistas: Maybe send an email to anyone who hasn't commented in awhile? Maybe they're busy with the holidays? Or there was a month between October and November where nothing was posted here... maybe they don't know that we've started doing it again? I'd hate to just drop anyone who really wants to contribute!
I'm going to bed now, but I'll be commenting on these blogs tomorrow night! :)
Done! I couldn't comment on "The Real Me" either. Tried on several different posts.
As far as those who aren't commenting, yeah, I think e-mails should be sent to see if they still want to do it. I was MIA the last week or 2 because we were out of town. I've never known, are we supposed to notify anyone if we are gone - or how this all works!
I agree, we need people able to welcome, if someone can't do it, no big deal. Just remove them and get someone who wants to.
I couldn't comment on 2 of the blogs but otherwise done.
Finished! I do think it's time to open our doors for some new Welcomistas!
Have a great week!
I forgot to tell you I'm done...
Hi Ladies!
Yes, I will see about cleaning it up a bit a putting a call out for new welcomistas this weekend.
Thanks for all you do guys!!!
I definitely want to continue! Thanks.....
Please keep me on..
Please keep me on..
I'm here to stay! I love welcoming the newbies! It gives me a chance to see some fresh content and as a bonus, I usually get some new followers!
Am I a total slacker, tee hee? Yes, it's true...but, I'm here and off to visit some please forgive me!
Jamie :)
Yup - keep me on too! And I wouldn't mind having my blog added to the list there on the right ... I'm assuming those are all the Welcomista's?
I am back in the Welcomista saddle, I got thrown off by crazy work schedule and holidays and I appreciated the reminder email.
Thank you and off to say hello to our newbies.
For me, I don't always welcome the new peeps because the list is posted on Sundays. I rarely check blogs on the weekends and so it's hard for me to get them all done.
Having said that, I'm headed over to welcome this group but of course, it's Tuesday & I will probably not finish up until tomorrow. :)
I apologize, my commenting has not been what I would want. That said, I will make a renewed effort and get my bootie in gear.
My desire is great, my follow through sucks. That stops now. The follow through stuff that is.
Count me in if I still may! Em
My new Years resolution....
I will be a better welcomista.
Scouts Honor.
I'm definitely still in! I love visiting new blogs!
Thanks for the poke ladies! I'm off to comments and will continue to do so.
Please keep me on. I've been in a funk lately. Haven't even done very well with my own blog lately.
I love to welcome new blogs.
I'm still here and want to continue to welcome all the great new peeps. I'm sorry I've slacked on my sista-ly duties but am ready to get going again!
I'm still here. No way you're going to get rid of me.
I do have a question about the way Jen was proposing sharing the posting duties. What if we don't have a button for our blog?
After almost a month in the hospital and my mom having a bout with breast cancer (she is winning!) I'll be back in the blogging saddle and back to welcoming.
Done - Happy weekend all!
I have been around to all the newbies!
And its great too see all the fellow SITSta getting back into the swing of things.
Oh boy...I didn't do very well after my first list. Mia Culpa! I don't know why, but I thought that a link would be emailed when a new post went up and count that as a DUH for me:)
I'm here to serve and am promising to do much better! I love the Welcomistas!
P.S. Thank you for the reminder email, it was a fab idea to send them out to the slackers:)
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