Hi Ladies!
Back from the Fishful Thinking Symposium in NY... it was INCREDIBLE.
Mamarazzi is also on the panel of 10, and it was so great to meet her... she as is fun and bright IRL as you would've expected.
If any of you really think the Fishful Thinking message is important, you might consider being an ambassador. They want a community of moms who will have a space to communicate on the site and spread the word. Let me know if you are interested. {While these positions are not compensated, they are going to be doing giveaways. If you are interested in being noticed by PR firms, it couldn't hurt to be seen on the portal either.}
SITS is now on twitter SITSGirls, so follow us if you aren't as I will twitter about welcomistas.
Now on to the newbies....
The Kent Chronicles
Thoughts by Dena
Flitter Flatters
Sugar on Top
Browning Dirt
A Simple Kind of Life
Sogkonnite Living
Vegetarian Mama
Sex Education's Perfect Example
Love, Laughter and Lyrics
Funky Bag Freak
Francesca asked if you guys should "re-visit" the newbies... totally your choice.
Heather and I are increasing the responses we give to comments, as we want to be very accessible as the audience grows.
There are more newbies from last week, and even more will join on Tuesday, so I will post again on Wed.
Harga Pasir Silika 1 Kg 2025
2 months ago
I'm glad to hear the Fishful Thinking symposium went well:0) It really does sound like a great message!
Glad fishful thinking went well! I'll get to the newbies after work tonight.
I'll get to the newbies tonight before the chaos of Spring Fling starts. LOL!
It will be wonderfully crazy tomorrow. Let's pray that work will be dead and I can enjoy my blogging day. ~bows head~
got them all!!! have a great week everyone, I can't wait until tomorrow~~
Yay for Fishful Thinking...I think it's great what you ladies are doing!! Glad you and Mamarazzi had a good time. Yay for twitter...'follow' me too ladies... @ Stampinmom
Excited for Spring Fling tomorrow...giving away something neato for crafters!
Jamie :-)
welcome back, i am so glad it went as well as you had hoped. i would love to be an ambassador...email me with details!
i will get to the newbies tonight + i lined up!
also wanted to ask you ladies if you would be willing to help spread the word about another giveaway i am hosting - through march + april. we are raising money for the march of dimes. you can visit my blog to get details!
i am on twitter too...littlebites
Thanks for getting back to me with a response to my question. Much appreciated.
I should be able to tackle the latest list of new blogs either tonight or within the next few days.
Have to tell you two that I am really liking the revision to your tag line...The Secret to Success is Support. Well done! I think it definitely speaks volumes to your content. Also great that you are going to try to have a greater presence via comments.
Following on Twitter. Must run for now.
PS: I would definitely be interested in learning more about Fishful Thinking. Thank you!
fyi, the link above for flitter flatters is the same as thoughts by dena.
also, sex education's link is the same as vegetarian mama's.
thoughts be dena and flitter flatter are the same blog.
other than that I am done!!
looking forward to March 10!!!
I was going to tell you about the 2 messed up links but Rachael already did.
All have been welcomed by me :)
Hey everyone...sorry I'll miss the spring fling tomorrow...gotta work. Have fun flinging!
OK, I got the comments in on this list. And I have my post scheduled for SPRING FLING.
I'm going to try to check in at work as much as I can. WOOHOO!
Done (other than the two blogs that were repeats)!
One day i will cut and past these links all right!
Done! ~Except for the two that Rachel already mentioned~
And I reminded the newbies about SPRING FLING!
And done.
My goodness there are a lot of giveaways going on today - so fun!
Done! Bring on the next round of Newbistas! (That's a freebie for you, ladies.)
In the end, I hit about 40 blogs in the name of the SITStahood. I think I need a break now. :)
PS: New bloggers really need to embrace the idea of turning off comment modification and approval. It is a little nutty out there in blogland.
Glad to hear you had a nice time. I am looking forward to hearing more.
I made it through the list. :D
Done, finally! Sorry, Youngest has been requiring a lot of attention as of late. My blogs and blogging buddies are taking a beating because of it.
I guess that's the way it should be :-)
Doesn't mean I don't miss you guys like CRAZY!!! Em
I had SOO much fun yesterday and am hitting up the new newbie the next day or so. It's amazing the wide range of bloggers out there.
I LOVE the fishfull thinking concept. When you first put out the call for POSITVE response.. I checked out the site before I posted for ya. I just LOVE it.. I even showed a couple of moms in my little coffee clautch.. I'd be HONORED to be an ambasador! no compensation, PR or give aways needed, I believe that much in the concept (though I wouldn't turn any of that down.. HA!)
it was so much fun meeting you too Tiffany! i am just now getting back into the swing of things and have plans to visit all of the newbies tonight and tomorrow!
I'm totally interested. Seriously, this is COMPLETELY down my alley!
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