Hello Everyone! I've been give the opportunity to help out the girls by posting a current list of Newbies! All of these ladies are so excited about joining. So warm up those typing fingers!
Since it has been a little over a week, I am going to post all of the links in this post. Hit up as many as you can.
The Mommy Dish
Jitters & Twitters
Through My Eyes
La Plates Blog (I didn't see a button, may need to add one.)
Stir Crazy in the Suburbs
Ellie's Stamp Garden
Crazyland:Tales from the Motherboard (Also needs a button)
Happy House of Haas
Love, Actually
Modest Gal Creations
Chaotic Flower Pot
Mama Bearz
Chronicles of the Unconventional Couple
Goats in the Garden
Sheliece and the Girls
Be Careful What You Wish For
From a Vineyard Garden
Escape Suburbia
The Uniblog
There you have it.
I tried to check for the SITS button. Some didn't have it. If someone would give a little reminder to add it that would be appreciated. As hard as Tiffany and Heather work at this site, it seems only fair to for them to get a little sidebar love!
Thank you
Janah (or So Not Mom-a-licious)
Harga Pasir Silika 1 Kg 2025
2 months ago
Got through the list, although, La Plates blog has no where to leave comments and I was not able to comment on Mama Bearz and The Mommy Dish. I sent an e mail to The mommy Dish, but there was no email address for Mama Bearz.
Bring on some more, I am ready;0)
I'm off comment!
Looks like a fun list! I'll work on this!
Janah! Thank you so much for helping out- I am loving Vegas stress-free!
Thanks girls!
Keep em comin!
I just got home from work, will get a few before I go to bed.
I also couldn't find a place to comment on the La Plates Blog.
Mommy Dish and Mama Bearz comments aren't working properly, so I also sent an email welcoming Mommy Dish and went to Mama Bearz other blog to comment there.
I sent La Plates an email and asked her if she was interested in posting a button and opening up comments. Haven't heard anything. Also sent Mommy Dish an email and commented on M Bears other blog, even though it hasn't been updated in awhile. We'll figure it out! =)
Finished the list, although there were a couple that I wasn't able to comment on - same ones that others were having trouble with.
Crazyland said her SITS button is on her Haunts page of her blog..
Isn't the button supposed to be on the sidebar? Is it ok, as long as it's somewhere on the site?
Who is going to actually LOOK in the Haunts page?
What is a Haunts page? Now I'm going to have to go check it out. Because I'm nosey like that. And curious.
Hi ladies! Commented where I could (same problems as others.)
Bring it on!
Awesome list, hittin' em' up now! Tiffany, are you winning big yet? {just a little jealous over here, tee hee...Vegas is one of my fav places to play and relax}. Hope you enjoy it girl and don't forget us when you become a millionaire.
And thanks to Janah for helping out.
Jamie :-)
alrighty....Wishing I was In Vegas...off to spread some SITS Love
Got to everyone except Mamma Bearz.
Hope your having a great time in Vegas. I love it there.
Comment have been made by me.
Thanks for posting, Janah. Definitely keep the lists coming. I'll be finishing this one up today.
ok done!! woo-hoo!! there were 3 that I could not leave a comment on, but other than that I got them all
Yipes, I'm two lists behind! Time to CATCH UP! Sorry!!
Ok, I finished this list! I wasn't able to comment on two blogs though...their comment forms were not working or non-existent...
i got through this list too. i am finally caught up...woohoo!
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