I am getting good with these titles, eh?
Thank you all so much for checking in!
Heather has been by and is working to get you all featured in the coming weeks...
You totally deserve some serious comment loving.
We are going to be posting the cruise info this week, and see how it goes. If anyone has other ideas for a retreat type location, we'd love to hear about it.
Here are some more new blogs!
Eighty MPH Mom
Little Pink trying to Swim in a Seas of Blue.
A Little Bit of Kooky
Love ya, Mean it!
The Blah Blah Blahger
Seeryous Mama
Aunt Rene
K.Mac Creations
Spit Sisters
Welcome to My Journey
Did you guys see we hit 400 comments yesterday? So much is that is because of you!
Harga Pasir Silika 1 Kg 2025
2 months ago
Thats awesome! I had one of the new blogs from the last post email me directly and ask what's so great about SITS. She asked the wrong one cause I wrote 3 paragraphs about it. LOL!
I will get to these tomorrow...I'm off to spend some time with the hubs.
Welcoming duties (I just love that word) complete. I just love the fact that SITS is growing into such a 'big girl blog' it does my heart good. I have really enjoyed watching her grow and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Yay for hitting 400...that's great! Going to visit the newbies during 'Lost' commercials!
Jamie :-)
wooo hoooo 400. I knew it was getting up there!! Love it!!
400 comments is incredible! I am so happy that I found you guys! You rock:0)
woo-hoo!! 400!! ok going to visit some newbies!! the rest of you come by and enter my new giveaway
Hi Guys! I'm having surgery tomorrow and will be out of commission for about a week. Just wanted to let you know that is where I'll be...I'll be back to reading and commenting as soon as I'm able. Have a great week!!
Amazing! 400 is awesome!
I'm so excited! I got through the previous 2 posts of newbies. Woot Woot!
Can't wait to see the cruise 411!
Yea for 400!
400 is awesome! yay! thanks for the upcoming features of our blogs...i am going to love getting some love. i need it after the week i just had with lydia's school. i know it isn't over yet, but i am really wishing it was.
Holy cow - 400 comments? That's awesome. I am thrilled when I have 4. LOL
400 comments - that is awesome.
I broke 40 comments on my blog the first time - yay!
Done visiting the newbies.
Hey there! I am officially back from my trip and back to my blog and all things SITS! I missed out on some fun. I hit up all the above blogs :)
Oh and I wanted to say that your "Visit our Peeps" ad space is a Brilliant idea!! Affordable too!! Hmmmm I may have to get in on that action...
400, wow!! I'm now moving on to this list...and then I'll be completely caught up! woohoo!!
400 comments...that awesome! I've been feeling a little uninspired in my commenting lately, so if I've seemed absent, sorry. I go through cycles with my obsessions, it will come back :)
Holy comments bat man...that is amazing...so many fabulicious bloggers finding the awesomeness.....love the newbies....
That's great!! Google Adsense who?
Awesome 400!!!! I hit all the newbies and now i'm going to bed lol.
~Phew!~ Finally got the list done.
Spending today getting caught up on my SITS commenting. Planning to hit about 40 blogs in the name of my girls.
Question: Is the intention only to hit these blogs once? Or do you prefer for us to return a few times? Just wondering...
WHEW! Busy, busy! It's so good to be back! I took off a couple of weeks to get my spring garden plowed and planted, but I am back! Watch out comment boxes, here I come!!!
HI everyone...
I have been flat out for awhile.. Flu I guess, anyway I am back reporting to duty!! VBG
Looking forward to greeting the newbies. It is always a thrill when they respond to my blog...This is one happy place....
You know your a SITS Welcomista when:
5. You have more comments on your blog from all the SITS newbies than your own family and friends.
4. You have to re-read your comments when you are visiting other blogs because of your tendency to welcome random people (non-SITS) to SITS.
3. You check back daily for Newbies and get disappointed when there's no new newbies to welcome!
2. When you have trouble sleeping, you try and come up with new ways to introduce the NEWBIES.
and last but not least:
1. You give your fellow Welcomistas an additional 2 entries in your Sping Fling Giveaway!
Hell yeah! I am crushing my way through these blogs! I am on a mission to make sure that I make up for being MIA for almost 2 weeks. And I have done it! Dang I'm rocking it! Go me!
Okay, now that I pumped my fists on my chest and patted myself on the back I am much more calm. But still excited because I didn't want to give up on this. Even though I am in the process of buying a new house, in another state, while my husband works in another state, while watching my 21 month old at home, and working at home, AND doing all the other dailyes that are required.
ok pluggin away here blog jogging (i shoulda stretched first) went to welcome all of these ladies...ready for the next group!
well that was fun, Got to all our newbies....
great blogs
now i am off to try and be #1 on the blog roll
Just popping in to say hi and to welcome you to SITS..
It's a great place to meet new friends.. Love your blog...come visit me if you can. I have random draws for my followers....wink wink!
waving from southern ontario, canada
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