Hellooooo!? Anyone still here? *tap tap tap*
I know that there has been a serious lack of posting over here and it is because life and other SITS duties have taken Tiffany over and there are not enough hours in the day for her to get everything she need to get done done.
So I contacted her and told her that I, Jen from
Buried with Children, would like to take over organizing everything. We chatted more, she more than agreed and filled me in on the workings of this site.
This is what I was thinking we could do. So that keeping this site up to date does not fall on one person all the time, I thought that each of us, Welcomista's, could take a month and post the lists which would go up once a week. In exchange for this and as a way to say 'thank you' Tiffany said that for the month that one person is posting lists, they will get their button placed on the SITS site.
Isn't that awesome! Just think of all the exposure you will get. My fingers can barely type this, thinking about it. Squeeeee!!!!!
So if you are interested in posting 4 (sometimes 5) times a month over here, leave a comment and let me know. I will keep that master list and remind everyone when it will be their turn.
Let's get Welcoming our new SITSta once again and grow this SITS community!
P.S. I was thinking of having the post still go up on Sunday and having 20 links per list.
P.P.S. If anyone has any other ideas, please
email me.
P.P.S.S. If this is not something that you are interested in an would like to be removed from this team, then please let me know.
P.P.S.S.S (if there is such a thing) I am going to post a new list this Sunday. So stay tuned and get those welcomes ready.