Monday, March 23, 2009

New Chicks.

Hi Ladies!

Here is a new batch!

Thank you.

I love you.


I love you.



Aubrey said...

We love you too!

I'm on it like white on rice!

Just Lisa said...

We loves you, too!

I need sleep now. This will be on my to do list for tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

So when I say I'm on it...I really mean I'm on it. And basically that means I don't check in until I'm done. Therefore, thanks for these and I am done! With all of them. Yes. Awesome.

Sandy said...

Thank you Tiffany! Love ya back:0)

Great group you have here! I'm ready for more:0)

angi_b72 said...

Awesome Newbies...following some new ones...just what i need!! lol

Lesley said...

wow...I think I'm still working on the last here many makes this job so much fun....

Carma Sez said...

Complete! :-) and now I'm energized and ready to take on the day (sort of)!

Mamarazzi said...

aww the love is mutual. by to see everyone on the list! oh happy day, spreading the L-O-V-E!!

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

Awww, lots of love right back at ya!

And speaking of love...I LOVED this group of bloggers. It was fun all the way through.


You're welcome. :o)


Rhea said...

I jammed my way through this group. Fun fun! said...

Ditto what Aubrey said...white rice, tee hee! And we love you too girly!

StampinMom :-)

Ann On and On... said...

I want to be on the click it cool list....I'm sort of cool.....o.k. I'm not me so pity. :D

I'll have the list done this afternoon! It really is a lot of fun to read new blogs.

Anonymous said...

Done! I'm a little slow this time, but I visited them all. There were some great ones this time.

Judah said...

off to visit the newbies!! what a list!!
hey ladies I have 3 etsy giveaways going on right now, stop by and check them out

Brandy said...

I've been an awful slacker and I haven't been to the newbies yet. ~stands in corner~

Sorry, but I will do better. And as soon as I'm allowed out of the corner I'll get to them.

Judah said...

ok all are done!! great new sites!!
now off to visit some of you

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Consider these SITStahs welcomed. I'll be finishing up this list today.


Brandy said...

Phew! Finally done...a couple of really, really funny ones this time. With all these great blogs I may never get time to do any real work.

And I say that as if it's a bad thing...

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i am done as well!

Ritch in Love said...

I love new lists!

Jen said...

better late than never but I finally got around to welcome them all.

Ash said...

I think I'm officially last this time. But I seriously got lost a more than a few of them.

Excellent list!!

Big sloppy wet kisses right back at ya. What? Too much? Em said...

OMG Mammakin is freakin' hilarious! You gotta read her $5,000 or get off my shoulder post!

Jamie :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm going through withdrawls. Is there a secret ghost list I don't know about? It's not like you girls to not post the newbies so far apart. Is everthing okay? Don't make me worry! Although, since I don't have a list here to follow, that means I need to go visit all of the Saucy blogs for the week AND vist a fellow Welcomista! Seems only far right? Let us (me me me!!) know if all is okay!

angi_b72 said...

Got 'em all!! Alot of good blogs!!

Lisa M said...

got them all..late! I did half and then forgot the rest. now they are all done!

and we love you too! lol. My blog has definately been jumping since sits, and i'm finding such GREAT blogs as well! thanks for all you do!