Hello All-
In all fairness to our newbies... There was a blog address listed incorrectly on the list.
Dana's blog was listed under fillinthecake.blogspot. She has let me know that that is not her daily blog. She said she hid that one in her profile.
Here is her daily blog http://composinghallelujahs.blogspot.com/ . Composing Hallelujahs.
She said she just joined last week and already loves it! Kudos to Heather and Tiffany as always!
So if we leave comment love, leave it on this site.
Thank you
P.S. Julia at Our Simple Life, was trying to get her new Blog The Apron Goddesses some newbie love. Her daily blog was already listed. Kind of the reverse situation as above. It's a really cute site!
Harga Pasir Silika 1 Kg 2025
1 month ago
I'll all over it.. on my way to say hey to her DAILY blog!
That's weird, I got the address off visiting her profile, so the blog wasn't hidden then... hmmm.
Thanks for the update!
woo-hoo!! got them all, well minus the one that I could not get the word verification to work!! bring on some more!! love it!!
She said she was in that one and had just finished 'hiding' it in her profile? She still put a button on that site. But she doesn't use it anymore.
just stopped by and am on my way to show some ad clickety love!!
Very cute blog...today, she had a 'Too cute Tuesday' post that is just adorable and has a link up so you can share too, hmmm...what to post?
Jamie :-)
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hi all
i enjoy exactly how you receive your level throughout.
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